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Lunch Meat Recall

Lunch Meat Recall
Lunch Meat Recall

July 31, 2024 9:51 AM CDT
By: Laura McKenna

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Lunch Meat Recall

I know my lunch is safe from this recall (being a vegetarian and all) but I did want to pass this along to anyone who might have packed a sandwich. Trying to keep you all safe…

More Boar’s Head deli meats are being recalled after being linked to the recent listeria outbreak. This includes 71 products (some of those include salami, ham, liverwurst, and beef) that were made between May 10th and July 29th, with sell-by dates ranging from July 29th to October 17th. At least 34 people have gotten sick in 13 states, including two deaths.

The CDC said people who have been sickened come from the following 13 states: Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and yes- Wisconsin.

If you have some in your fridge, you might want to check the labels and codes and you can do that by CLICKING HERE.

And if you’ve eaten some of the possibly contaminated lunch meat, how would you know if you were affected by the foodborne bacterial infection?

The CDC lists some of the symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Headache
  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion
  • Loss of balance
  • Convulsions
  • Diarrhea
  • Other gastrointestinal symptoms
    And other more deadly results:
  • Miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery and/or life-threatening infection of newborn infants
  • Death

So do yourself and your family a favor and just double check before your next sandwich is made.

Want to contact Laura McKenna about this recall or anything else that’s on your mind? Email anytime, she’d love to hear from you: [email protected]
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