July 29, 2024 4:20 PM CDT
By: Jay Roberts
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It has taken me a long time to figure out what adulting really is. Actually, it’s taken me a really long time to figure out how to post a blog on our website. Maybe that’s adulting? Figuring out how to do something that seemed to be so much easier as a kid. Although we didn’t have “blogs” when I was a kid. But if we DID have blogs when I was a kid, I’m sure I would’ve figured out how to do it in a snap. It probably would have just been second nature to me. I always used to laugh when “old people” (like, in their 40’s, ya know, real old people) would be impressed by my 11 year old gaming skills. They’d say, “How in the world does Jay do that so quickly, pushing all those buttons in that game, how does he know what to do?” I was just good at it. I assumed that I’d never be trying to play catch-up with technology because I could figure out pretty much anything on my own. I used to design websites when I was in my early 20’s. I knew how to create a web page from scratch using HTML. That may have been impressive then, but now in my upper 40’s the only thing I have learned, is that I have a lot of learning to do. Technologically speaking. So, for now, I am learning that adulting is actually trying to catch-up to technology. But don’t laugh at me, kiddos. I beat Super Mario Brothers and Super Mario Brothers 3! (Don’t ask me about SMB 2.)
Well, I posted a new blog on my own. Proud of me? Ok, I gotta go and shoot TikTok videos and play Fortnite. – Jay
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