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In The Kitchen with Laura McKenna: Witch’s Brew For Your Garden

In The Kitchen with Laura McKenna:   Witch’s Brew For Your Garden
In The Kitchen with Laura McKenna:   Witch’s Brew For Your Garden

June 25, 2024 1:41 PM CDT
By: Laura McKenna

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In The Kitchen with Laura McKenna:   Witch’s Brew For Your Garden

Your garden will love my Witch’s Brew….

1. Start with your cauldron (or soup pot😉) full of water.

2. Add in a bunch of banana peels.

3. Bring to a boil and let it brew for awhile.

4. Cackle as you cook. 🧙‍♀️

5. Then cool, straining out the banana peels.

6. Once cool, pour lovingly by the cupful at the base of your plants in the garden for a potassium boost.

7. Enjoy a bountiful harvest of veggies!

Helpful hint: I keep a bag going in the freezer to toss in my banana peels until I’m ready to make my witch’s brew. That way you don’t have to eat a ton of them at once and it builds up your stash over time! 🍌

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